The Centre of Information Technology, Law and Ethics (CITPE) acts as a liaison between the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana and its two institutes, the Institute of Criminology and the Institute for Comparative Law, with the aim of guiding and coordinating the research, education and publishing activities of the participating institutions regarding legal and ethical issues related to information technologies.
The digital revolution is creating new social relations that at the same time address different fields of law, while information technologies themselves are subject to legal regulation. The centre’s research activity is currently focused primarily on the legal and ethical aspects of social networks, big data, artificial intelligence and autonomous driving. An important subject of study in the future will be the establishment of a legal-ethical starting point for the development, introduction and use of artificial intelligence systems in various areas of social life, including in the judiciary framework.
The centre was founded in 2020. Other organisations are welcome to join, particularly if their work is related to the content of the centre’s core activity.
Professor emeritus Alenka Šelih (PhD) contributed the financial part of her Zois lifetime achievement award in 2019 to the centre’s establishment and the start of operations.
The research activity of the CITPE is focused on legal and ethical issues that arise from the introduction and use of information technologies. The digital revolution is creating new social relations that at the same time address different fields of law, while information technologies themselves are subject to legal regulation. The centre is currently conducting research of social networks, big data, artificial intelligence and autonomous driving.
The founding organisations of the centre have conducted a great deal of representative research in the aforementioned fields:
The research activity of the CITPE is focused on legal and ethical issues that arise from the introduction and use of information technologies. The digital revolution is creating new social relations that at the same time address different fields of law, while information technologies themselves are subject to legal regulation. The centre is currently conducting research of social networks, big data, artificial intelligence and autonomous driving.
The founding organisations of the centre have conducted a great deal of representative research in the aforementioned fields:
Research by the CITPE
- V5-1930 Research Project “Human Rights and Regulation of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence“ (Slovenian Research Agency and several ministries, 2019-21), Head: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik.
- P5-0337 Research Programme “Legal Challenges of the Information Society” (Slovenian Research Agency, 2018-23), Head: Prof. Dr. Katarina Zajc.
- J5-9347 Research Project “Automated Justice: Social, Ethical and Legal Implications” (Slovenian Research Agency, 2018 -21), Head: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik.
- J5-6823 Research Project “Law in the Age of Big Data: Regulating Privacy, Transparency, Secrecy and Other Competing Values in the 21st Century” (Slovenian Research Agency, 2014-17), Head: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik.
- Z5-4025 Research Project “Surveillance and Crime Control: Ethical, Legal and Criminological Aspects of Emerging Pre-crime Detection and Surveillance Technologies” (Slovenian Research Agency, 2011-13), Head: Asst. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik.
- V5-1034 Research Project “Študija vpliva informatizacije na učinkovitost pravosodnega sistema” (Study of the Impact of Computerisation on the Effectiveness of the Legal System; Slovenian Research Agency in collaboration with the International School for Social and Business Studies, Faculty of Management, University of Primorska, and the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, 2010-12), Head: Dr. Mirko Gradišar.
- V5-0454 Research Project “Upravljanje avtorskih in sorodnih pravic na internetu – vidik javnih institucij” (Management of Copyrights and Similar Rights on the Internet: Point of View of Public Institutions; Slovenian Research Agency in collaboration with the Peace Institute, 2008-10), Head: Dr. Marija Breznik Močnik.
- J5-6597 Research Project “Cyber Crime – the Emergence of New Crimes” (Slovenian Research Agency, 2004-7), Head: Prof. Dr. Renata Salecl.
- V5-0134 Research Project “Računalniška/kibernetična kriminaliteta v Sloveniji” (Computer/Cyber Crime in Slovenia; Slovenian Research Agency, 2004-6), Head: Asst. Prof. Dr. Nina Peršak.
- Research Project “CREA – Conflict Resolution with Equitative Algorithms” (JUSTICE) (Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II).
- SI-IUS Research Project, Digitalizacija slovenskega pravnega izročila (Digitalisation of Slovenian Legal Tradition; Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Institute of Contemporary History), Prof. Dr. Katja Škrubej.
- J5-6823 Research Project “Law in the Age of Big Data: Regulating Privacy, Transparency, Secrecy and Other Competing Values in the 21st Century” (Slovenian Research Agency, 2014-17), Head: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik.
- L5-6821 Applied Research Project “Reform of Consumer Law in the Republic of Slovenia” (Slovenian Research Agency in collaboration with the Institute for Comparative Law, 2014-16), Head: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ana Vlahek.
Research by the CITPE
- V5-1930 Research Project “Human Rights and Regulation of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence“ (Slovenian Research Agency and several ministries, 2019-21), Head: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik.
- P5-0337 Research Programme “Legal Challenges of the Information Society” (Slovenian Research Agency, 2018-23), Head: Prof. Dr. Katarina Zajc.
- J5-9347 Research Project “Automated Justice: Social, Ethical and Legal Implications” (Slovenian Research Agency, 2018 -21), Head: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik.
- J5-6823 Research Project “Law in the Age of Big Data: Regulating Privacy, Transparency, Secrecy and Other Competing Values in the 21st Century” (Slovenian Research Agency, 2014-17), Head: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik.
- Z5-4025 Research Project “Surveillance and Crime Control: Ethical, Legal and Criminological Aspects of Emerging Pre-crime Detection and Surveillance Technologies” (Slovenian Research Agency, 2011-13), Head: Asst. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik.
- V5-1034 Research Project “Študija vpliva informatizacije na učinkovitost pravosodnega sistema” (Study of the Impact of Computerisation on the Effectiveness of the Legal System; Slovenian Research Agency in collaboration with the International School for Social and Business Studies, Faculty of Management, University of Primorska, and the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, 2010-12), Head: Dr. Mirko Gradišar.
- V5-0454 Research Project “Upravljanje avtorskih in sorodnih pravic na internetu – vidik javnih institucij” (Management of Copyrights and Similar Rights on the Internet: Point of View of Public Institutions; Slovenian Research Agency in collaboration with the Peace Institute, 2008-10), Head: Dr. Marija Breznik Močnik.
- J5-6597 Research Project “Cyber Crime – the Emergence of New Crimes” (Slovenian Research Agency, 2004-7), Head: Prof. Dr. Renata Salecl.
- V5-0134 Research Project “Računalniška/kibernetična kriminaliteta v Sloveniji” (Computer/Cyber Crime in Slovenia; Slovenian Research Agency, 2004-6), Head: Asst. Prof. Dr. Nina Peršak.
- Research Project “CREA – Conflict Resolution with Equitative Algorithms” (JUSTICE) (Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II).
- SI-IUS Research Project, Digitalizacija slovenskega pravnega izročila (Digitalisation of Slovenian Legal Tradition; Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Institute of Contemporary History), Prof. Dr. Katja Škrubej.
- J5-6823 Research Project “Law in the Age of Big Data: Regulating Privacy, Transparency, Secrecy and Other Competing Values in the 21st Century” (Slovenian Research Agency, 2014-17), Head: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik.
- L5-6821 Applied Research Project “Reform of Consumer Law in the Republic of Slovenia” (Slovenian Research Agency in collaboration with the Institute for Comparative Law, 2014-16), Head: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ana Vlahek.
Publications by the CITPE
- ADAM, Frane, EMRI, Igor, KOVAČ, Bogomir, PIRNAT, Rajko, et al. Predlog sistemskega ukrepa za spodbujanje uvajanja novih tehnologij v slovenska podjetja (Proposed Systemic Measure to Promote the Introduction of New Technologies at Slovenian Enterprises). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2007.
- CAMPBELL, Marilyn, ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Should Cyberbullying be Criminalized? In: SMITH, Peter K., STEFFGEN, Georges (eds.).Cyberbullying through the New Media: Findings from an International Network. London; New York: Psychology Press. 2013, pp 65-82.
- DAMJAN, Matija (editor). Pravo v informacijski družbi (Law in the Information Society). Ljubljana: IUS Software, GV Založba, 2014. ISBN 978-961-247-278-8.
- DAMJAN, Matija. Odprta vsebina: pravice in dolžnosti uporabnikov (Open Content: Rights and Obligations of Users). Ljubljana: Institute for Comparative Law: GV Založba, 2011. ISBN 978-961-247-201-6.
- DROBNJAK, Marko. Implicit Bias Against Dialectal Features: Forensic Linguistics and Speech Perception in Legal Proceedings: lecture at Phonology Lab, Department of Linguistics, University of Washington, Washington, November 19, 2019.
- GORKIČ, Primož, MIHELJ PLESNIČAR, Mojca, ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Biometric Data in Large EU IT-systems in the Areas of Borders, Visas and Asylum: Fundamental Rights Implications: Slovenian National Report. [Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2015]. 85 p.
- GORKIČ, Primož, ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. National Intelligence Authorities and Surveillance in the EU: Fundamental Rights Safeguards and Remedies: Legal Update: Short Thematic Report: Slovenian National Report. [Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2016]. 27, 5 p., graph. representations.
- GORKIČ, Primož. Fashion ID GmbH & Co. KG v Verbraucherzentrale NRW e.V.: More Control, More Data Protection for Website Visitors? (C-40/17 fashion ID). European data protection law review. 2019, vol. 5, iss. 4, pp 579-582. ISSN 2364-2831.
- GORKIČ, Primož. Načelo sorazmernosti in odločanje o pridobivanju prometnih podatkov (Principle of Proportionality and Decisions Regarding the Acquisition of Traffic Data). Judicial Bulletin. 2015, vol. 36, issue 3, pp. 9-19, table. ISSN 1318-1459.
- GORKIČ, Primož. Nekatera vprašanja jurisdikcije za kazniva dejanja kibernetične kriminalitete (Selected Questions of Jurisdiction for the Punishable Act of Cyber Crime). Collection of Scientific Discussions. [Printed edition]. 2007, vol. 67, pp 73-98. ISSN 1854-3839.
- GORKIČ, Primož. Sodobni prikriti preiskovalni ukrepi: prvič: lovilec IMSI (Contemporary Undercover Investigative Measures: IMSI-catcher). Odvetnik: Newsletter of the Bar Association of Slovenia. April 2014, vol. 16, issue 2, pp. 47-53. ISSN 1408-9440.
- KOVIČ DINE, Maša, TEKAVČIČ VEBER, Maruša. Mednarodnopravni vidiki uporabe avtonomnih oborožitvenih sistemov (International Legal Aspects of the Use of Autonomous Weapons Systems): lecture at the meeting Pravo pred izzivi digitalne (r)evolucije (Law Facing Challenges of Digital (R)evolution), organised by the Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana in collaboration with the Faculty of Law, Ljubljana, 27 Sept 2019.
- KOVIČ DINE, Maša. Regulating Economic Cyber-Espionage among States Under International Law. In: SVANTESSON, Dan Jerker Börje (ed.), KLOZA, Dariusz (ed.). Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Relations as a Challenge for Democracy, (European Integration and Democracy series, 4). Cambridge: Intersentia. cop. 2017, pp. 263-286.
- KRIŽNAR, Primož. Varstvo lokacijske zasebnosti s pomočjo mozaične teorije podatkov (Protection of the Locational Privacy Using Mosaic Theory of Data). Collection of Scientific Discussions, 76 (2016), pp. 99–140.
- MIHELJ PLESNIČAR, Mojca, ŠUGMAN STUBBS, Katja. Subjectivity, Algorithms and the Courtroom. In: ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš (ed.). Big Data, Crime and Social Control, (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice, 50). London [i. e.] Abingdon; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2018, pp. 154-175.
- MOŽINA, Damjan. Novi pogledi na pravo informacijske tehnologije (New Views Regarding the Law of Information Technology). Pravna praksa: PP, ISSN 0352-0730, 18 July 2002, vol. 21, 26, pp. 26-28.
- SANCIN, Vasilka. Applying International Law of Armed Conflict Principles to Cyber Defense: lecture at the conference “Building a Cyber Resilient Society in South-Eastern Europe”, organised by RACVIAC SE EUROPE Centre for Security Cooperation, Zagreb, 17 Oct 2016.
- SANCIN, Vasilka. State´s Due Diligence in Cyberspace in the Era of Big Data. In: Big Data: New Challenges for Law and Ethics: international scientific conference, 22–23 May 2017, Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law: Slovenian Research Agency. 2017, pp. 31-32.
- SELINŠEK, Liljana. Institutional Fight Against Cybercrime: Introductory View. Electronic Newsletter on Fight Against Cybercrime, ISSN 2013-5327.
- ŠUGMAN STUBBS, Katja: Nove tehnologije in njihov vpliv na pojavnost in pregon kriminalitete (New Technologies and Their Impact on Occurrence and Prosecution of Crime), in: Collection of Scientific Discussions, 73(2013), pp. 191-218.
- TEKAVČIČ VEBER, Maruša, KOVIČ DINE, Maša. Big Data and Economic Cyber Espionage: an International Law Perspective. In: ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš (ed.). Big Data, Crime and Social Control, (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice, 50). London [i. e.] Abingdon; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2018, pp. 197-220.
- TEKAVČIČ VEBER, Maruša. Big Data and Economic Cyber Espionage: An International Law Perspective. In: Big Data: New Challenges for Law and Ethics: international scientific conference, 22–23 May 2017, Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law: Slovenian Research Agency. 2017, p. 18.
- TIČAR, Luka. Delovno pravo v dobi informacijske tehnologije (Labour Law in the Information Technology Era). In: Slovenian Lawyers Day, 13-15 October 2016, Portorož, (Podjetje in delo, ISSN 0353-6521, [vol.] 42, [issue] 6/7). Ljubljana: GV Založba [i. e.] IUS SOFTWARE. 2016, 42, [issue] 6/7, pp. 902-908.
- VLAHEK, Ana (ed.), DAMJAN, Matija (ed.). Varstvo potrošnikov pri spletnem poslovanju (Consumer Protection in Online Transactions). Ljubljana: IUS Software, GV Založba: Institute for Comparative Law at the Faculty of Law, 2017. ISBN 978-961-247-367-9.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš (ed.) (2010). Kriminaliteta in tehnologija: Kako računalniki spreminjajo nadzor in zasebnost, ter kriminaliteto in kazenski pregon? (Crime and Technology: How Computers Are Changing Control and Privacy, Crime and Criminal Prosecution) Ljubljana: Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš (ed.).Big Data, Crime and Social Control, Routledge, 2018.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš (ed.).Drones and Unmanned Aerial Systems: Legal and Social Implications for Security and Surveillance. Cham [etc.]: Springer, 2016.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš (ed.), SELINŠEK, Liljana (ed.). Pravo v dobi velikega podatkovja. (Law in the Era of Big Data) Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2018.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš, KRIŽNAR, Primož. Legal Standards of Location Privacy in Light of the Mosaic Theory. And: NEWELL, Bryce Clayton (ed.), TIMAN, Tjerk (ed.), KOOPS, Bert-Jaap (ed.). Surveillance, Privacy and Public Space, (Routledge studies in surveillance, 2). Abingdon; New York: Routledge. 2018, pp. 199-220.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš, LEVIČNIK, Pia. The Public Perception of Cyber-Surveillance Before and After Edward Snowden’s Surveillance Revelations. Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, 2015, 9(2), pp. 33-58.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš, SEDEJ, Anja (2012). Spletno in mobilno nadlegovanje v Sloveniji (Cyber and Mobile Bullying in Slovenia). Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo, 63 (4), pp. 263-280.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Algorithmic Justice: Algorithms and Big Data in Criminal Justice Settings. European Journal of Criminology, 2019.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Algoritmično nadzorstvo: veliko podatkovje, algoritmi in družbeni nadzor (Algorithmic Control: Big Data, Algorithms and Social Control). Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo, 2017, 68(2), pp. 135-149.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Blurring the Line Between Law Enforcement and Intelligence: Sharpening the Gaze of Surveillance? Journal of Contemporary European Research, 2013, 9(1), pp. 181-202.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Criminal Justice Systems’ (Over)Reactions to IT Security Threats. And: BELLINI, Marcello (ed.). Current Issues in IT Security. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. 2010, pp. 113-135.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Criminal Justice, Artificial Intelligence Systems, and Human Rights. ERA-Forum: scripta iuris europaei. 2020, 20(4), pp. 567-583.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. The European Digital Fortress and Large Biometric EU IT Systems: Border Criminology, Technology, and Human Rights, Dve domovini / Two Homelands, 2019, 49(1), pp. 51-68.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Kibernetska kriminaliteta (Cyber Crime). Ljubljana: IUS Software, GV Založba & Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, 2015.
Publications by the CITPE
- ADAM, Frane, EMRI, Igor, KOVAČ, Bogomir, PIRNAT, Rajko, et al. Predlog sistemskega ukrepa za spodbujanje uvajanja novih tehnologij v slovenska podjetja (Proposed Systemic Measure to Promote the Introduction of New Technologies at Slovenian Enterprises). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2007.
- CAMPBELL, Marilyn, ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Should Cyberbullying be Criminalized? In: SMITH, Peter K., STEFFGEN, Georges (eds.).Cyberbullying through the New Media: Findings from an International Network. London; New York: Psychology Press. 2013, pp 65-82.
- DAMJAN, Matija (editor). Pravo v informacijski družbi (Law in the Information Society). Ljubljana: IUS Software, GV Založba, 2014. ISBN 978-961-247-278-8.
- DAMJAN, Matija. Odprta vsebina: pravice in dolžnosti uporabnikov (Open Content: Rights and Obligations of Users). Ljubljana: Institute for Comparative Law: GV Založba, 2011. ISBN 978-961-247-201-6.
- DROBNJAK, Marko. Implicit Bias Against Dialectal Features: Forensic Linguistics and Speech Perception in Legal Proceedings: lecture at Phonology Lab, Department of Linguistics, University of Washington, Washington, November 19, 2019.
- GORKIČ, Primož, MIHELJ PLESNIČAR, Mojca, ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Biometric Data in Large EU IT-systems in the Areas of Borders, Visas and Asylum: Fundamental Rights Implications: Slovenian National Report. [Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2015]. 85 p.
- GORKIČ, Primož, ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. National Intelligence Authorities and Surveillance in the EU: Fundamental Rights Safeguards and Remedies: Legal Update: Short Thematic Report: Slovenian National Report. [Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2016]. 27, 5 p., graph. representations.
- GORKIČ, Primož. Fashion ID GmbH & Co. KG v Verbraucherzentrale NRW e.V.: More Control, More Data Protection for Website Visitors? (C-40/17 fashion ID). European data protection law review. 2019, vol. 5, iss. 4, pp 579-582. ISSN 2364-2831.
- GORKIČ, Primož. Načelo sorazmernosti in odločanje o pridobivanju prometnih podatkov (Principle of Proportionality and Decisions Regarding the Acquisition of Traffic Data). Judicial Bulletin. 2015, vol. 36, issue 3, pp. 9-19, table. ISSN 1318-1459.
- GORKIČ, Primož. Nekatera vprašanja jurisdikcije za kazniva dejanja kibernetične kriminalitete (Selected Questions of Jurisdiction for the Punishable Act of Cyber Crime). Collection of Scientific Discussions. [Printed edition]. 2007, vol. 67, pp 73-98. ISSN 1854-3839.
- GORKIČ, Primož. Sodobni prikriti preiskovalni ukrepi: prvič: lovilec IMSI (Contemporary Undercover Investigative Measures: IMSI-catcher). Odvetnik: Newsletter of the Bar Association of Slovenia. April 2014, vol. 16, issue 2, pp. 47-53. ISSN 1408-9440.
- KOVIČ DINE, Maša, TEKAVČIČ VEBER, Maruša. Mednarodnopravni vidiki uporabe avtonomnih oborožitvenih sistemov (International Legal Aspects of the Use of Autonomous Weapons Systems): lecture at the meeting Pravo pred izzivi digitalne (r)evolucije (Law Facing Challenges of Digital (R)evolution), organised by the Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana in collaboration with the Faculty of Law, Ljubljana, 27 Sept 2019.
- KOVIČ DINE, Maša. Regulating Economic Cyber-Espionage among States Under International Law. In: SVANTESSON, Dan Jerker Börje (ed.), KLOZA, Dariusz (ed.). Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Relations as a Challenge for Democracy, (European Integration and Democracy series, 4). Cambridge: Intersentia. cop. 2017, pp. 263-286.
- KRIŽNAR, Primož. Varstvo lokacijske zasebnosti s pomočjo mozaične teorije podatkov (Protection of the Locational Privacy Using Mosaic Theory of Data). Collection of Scientific Discussions, 76 (2016), pp. 99–140.
- MIHELJ PLESNIČAR, Mojca, ŠUGMAN STUBBS, Katja. Subjectivity, Algorithms and the Courtroom. In: ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš (ed.). Big Data, Crime and Social Control, (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice, 50). London [i. e.] Abingdon; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2018, pp. 154-175.
- MOŽINA, Damjan. Novi pogledi na pravo informacijske tehnologije (New Views Regarding the Law of Information Technology). Pravna praksa: PP, ISSN 0352-0730, 18 July 2002, vol. 21, 26, pp. 26-28.
- SANCIN, Vasilka. Applying International Law of Armed Conflict Principles to Cyber Defense: lecture at the conference “Building a Cyber Resilient Society in South-Eastern Europe”, organised by RACVIAC SE EUROPE Centre for Security Cooperation, Zagreb, 17 Oct 2016.
- SANCIN, Vasilka. State´s Due Diligence in Cyberspace in the Era of Big Data. In: Big Data: New Challenges for Law and Ethics: international scientific conference, 22–23 May 2017, Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law: Slovenian Research Agency. 2017, pp. 31-32.
- SELINŠEK, Liljana. Institutional Fight Against Cybercrime: Introductory View. Electronic Newsletter on Fight Against Cybercrime, ISSN 2013-5327.
- ŠUGMAN STUBBS, Katja: Nove tehnologije in njihov vpliv na pojavnost in pregon kriminalitete (New Technologies and Their Impact on Occurrence and Prosecution of Crime), in: Collection of Scientific Discussions, 73(2013), pp. 191-218.
- TEKAVČIČ VEBER, Maruša, KOVIČ DINE, Maša. Big Data and Economic Cyber Espionage: an International Law Perspective. In: ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš (ed.). Big Data, Crime and Social Control, (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice, 50). London [i. e.] Abingdon; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2018, pp. 197-220.
- TEKAVČIČ VEBER, Maruša. Big Data and Economic Cyber Espionage: An International Law Perspective. In: Big Data: New Challenges for Law and Ethics: international scientific conference, 22–23 May 2017, Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law: Slovenian Research Agency. 2017, p. 18.
- TIČAR, Luka. Delovno pravo v dobi informacijske tehnologije (Labour Law in the Information Technology Era). In: Slovenian Lawyers Day, 13-15 October 2016, Portorož, (Podjetje in delo, ISSN 0353-6521, [vol.] 42, [issue] 6/7). Ljubljana: GV Založba [i. e.] IUS SOFTWARE. 2016, 42, [issue] 6/7, pp. 902-908.
- VLAHEK, Ana (ed.), DAMJAN, Matija (ed.). Varstvo potrošnikov pri spletnem poslovanju (Consumer Protection in Online Transactions). Ljubljana: IUS Software, GV Založba: Institute for Comparative Law at the Faculty of Law, 2017. ISBN 978-961-247-367-9.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš (ed.) (2010). Kriminaliteta in tehnologija: Kako računalniki spreminjajo nadzor in zasebnost, ter kriminaliteto in kazenski pregon? (Crime and Technology: How Computers Are Changing Control and Privacy, Crime and Criminal Prosecution) Ljubljana: Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš (ed.).Big Data, Crime and Social Control, Routledge, 2018.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš (ed.).Drones and Unmanned Aerial Systems: Legal and Social Implications for Security and Surveillance. Cham [etc.]: Springer, 2016.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš (ed.), SELINŠEK, Liljana (ed.). Pravo v dobi velikega podatkovja. (Law in the Era of Big Data) Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2018.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš, KRIŽNAR, Primož. Legal Standards of Location Privacy in Light of the Mosaic Theory. And: NEWELL, Bryce Clayton (ed.), TIMAN, Tjerk (ed.), KOOPS, Bert-Jaap (ed.). Surveillance, Privacy and Public Space, (Routledge studies in surveillance, 2). Abingdon; New York: Routledge. 2018, pp. 199-220.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš, LEVIČNIK, Pia. The Public Perception of Cyber-Surveillance Before and After Edward Snowden’s Surveillance Revelations. Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, 2015, 9(2), pp. 33-58.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš, SEDEJ, Anja (2012). Spletno in mobilno nadlegovanje v Sloveniji (Cyber and Mobile Bullying in Slovenia). Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo, 63 (4), pp. 263-280.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Algorithmic Justice: Algorithms and Big Data in Criminal Justice Settings. European Journal of Criminology, 2019.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Algoritmično nadzorstvo: veliko podatkovje, algoritmi in družbeni nadzor (Algorithmic Control: Big Data, Algorithms and Social Control). Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo, 2017, 68(2), pp. 135-149.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Blurring the Line Between Law Enforcement and Intelligence: Sharpening the Gaze of Surveillance? Journal of Contemporary European Research, 2013, 9(1), pp. 181-202.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Criminal Justice Systems’ (Over)Reactions to IT Security Threats. And: BELLINI, Marcello (ed.). Current Issues in IT Security. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. 2010, pp. 113-135.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Criminal Justice, Artificial Intelligence Systems, and Human Rights. ERA-Forum: scripta iuris europaei. 2020, 20(4), pp. 567-583.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. The European Digital Fortress and Large Biometric EU IT Systems: Border Criminology, Technology, and Human Rights, Dve domovini / Two Homelands, 2019, 49(1), pp. 51-68.
- ZAVRŠNIK, Aleš. Kibernetska kriminaliteta (Cyber Crime). Ljubljana: IUS Software, GV Založba & Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, 2015.
CThe achievements of the CITPE’s research activities are presented to the general and professional public on conferences, seminars and other forms of education.
Professors and researchers who collaborate with CITPE share their knowledge to the general and professional public at conferences, seminars and other forms of education. They are also closely involved in the study process of the Faculty of Law at the University of Ljubljana. Students of the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana encounter diverse legal and ethical issues related to the use of information technology within the established framework of their studies.
A short overview of topics primarily includes the following areas:
- Constitutional law, e.g. by studying the constitutional aspects of the so-called fake news, hate speech, smart cities, artificial intelligence and privacy issues in the age of big data, and last but not least, by addressing so-called e-elections and other forms of e-democracy;
- Civil law, law of obligations, ways of expressing consent in a digitized environment (limits of implicit consent), sale of digital (non-physical) content, compliance with a contract, withdrawal from a contract, consequences of withdrawal (Directive 770/2019), consumer protection, sanctions, consequences of withdrawing consent to the processing of personal data (GDPR), contractual regulation of the exercise of personal and human rights (e.g. through the general terms and conditions of social networks, such as Facebook or Twitter, and the judicial review of these terms and conditions), transfer of membership in social networks and other electronic services in case of death (so-called digital legacy), individual consumer information (pre-contractual information duties) based on big data, legal issues related to platforms (eBay, Amazon Marketplace, UBER, Airbnb, etc.), particularly the potential responsibility of a platform (formally the intermediary) for the obligations of the contracting parties, unfair competition and user rating systems for platforms (regulation);
- Criminal law, which raises issues of liability in the event of automated and autonomous driving, the use of modern technologies in the investigation and detection of criminal offenses (e.g. encryption problems, remote investigations of electronic devices and various modalities of covert investigative measures), and last but not least automated risk assessments when deciding on restrictive measures (e.g. detention) and during the execution of criminal sanctions;
- International law, which addresses issues of the application of the general international law and the international law of armed conflict in cyberspace, application of (semi-)autonomous weapons systems from the point of view jus in bello and jus ad bellum, space law and international legal aspects of regulation of artificial intelligence, particularly from the point of view of human rights law and environmental protection, in particular artificial intelligence and human rights and artificial intelligence and environmental protection;
- social security law; particularly sensitive personal data;
- labour law; work via online platforms;
- sociology of law; algorithms in the judiciary, fake news, application of law methodology and popular culture;
- administrative law; personal data protection law, European administrative law and administrative procedural law, administrative aspects of migration, electronic government (e-government, e-taxes), e-procurement, e-audit, transfer of European modernization trends to the national level, right to good administration
- personal law: development of technology and infringement of personal rights.
Organised events
- Round table: “Od demokracije do algokracije” (From Democracy to Algocracy), 12 February 2020.
- Section: Kazensko pravo in avtomatizacija (Criminal Law and Automation), moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik, 1 Konferenca kazenskega prava in kriminologije (First Criminal Law and Criminology Conference), Portorož, Grand Hotel Bernardin, 3 and 4 December 2019.
- Jesenska šola: “Pravo pred izzivi digitalne (r)evolucije” (Law Facing Challenges of Digital (R)evolution), 25-27 September 2019.
- Round table: “Avtonomna vozila: informatika, ekonomija, pravo in zavarovanje” (Autonomous Vehicles: Information Technology, Economy, Law and Insurance), moderator: Prof. Dr. Peter Grilc; Dnevi civilnega in gospodarskega prava (Civil and Commercial Law Days), Portorož, GH Bernardin, 25 and 16 April 2019.
- Round table: Artificial Intelligence and Democracy: Round-table discussion “Protecting the Right to Free Elections in the Digital Era”, at the conference “Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Rights Legal challenges”, Academy of European Law, Brussels, 15-16 April 2019.
- Section: Avtomatizacija v kazenskem pravosodju (Automation in Criminal Justice), moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik, 1 Konferenca kazenskega prava in kriminologije (First Criminal Law and Criminology Conference), Portorož, Grand Hotel Bernardin, 4 and 5 December 2018.
- Round table: “Umetna inteligenca, avtonomna orožja in možnost prevzema oblasti” (Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Weapons and Potential Seizure of Power), moderator: Prof. Dr. Ciril Ribičič, Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, 10 October 2018.
- Section: “Internet in pravo” (Internet and the Law), moderator: Prof. Dr. Klemen Podobnik, XVI. Dnevi civilnega in gospodarskega prava (Civil and Commercial Law Days), Portorož, GH Bernardin, 19 and 20 April 2018.
- Round table: “Pametne pogodbe in verige podatkovnih blokov: prihodnost prava ali gradovi v oblakih?” (Smart Contracts and Blockchains: Future of Law or Wishful Thinking?) moderator: Prof. Dr. Peter Grilc, XVI. Dnevi civilnega in gospodarskega prava (Civil and Commercial Law Days), Portorož, GH Bernardin, 19 and 20 April 2018
- International scientific conference: “Biga Data: New Challenges for Law and Ethics”, 22-23 May 2017.
- Round table: “Civilnopravni vidiki računalništva v oblaku” (Civil Law Aspects of Cloud Computing), moderator: Prof. Dr. Peter Grilc, XV. Dnevi civilnega in gospodarskega prava (Civil and Commercial Law Days), Portorož, GH Bernardin, 13 and 14 April 2017.
- Section: Pravo, podatki in algoritmi (Law, Data and Algorithms), moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik, 9. Konferenca kazenskega prava in kriminologije (Ninth Criminal Law and Criminology Conference), Portorož, 6 and 7 December 2016.
- Conference Varstvo potrošnikov pri spletnem poslovanju (Consumer Protection in Online Transactions), 16 June 2016, Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana.
- Seminar Pravo v informacijski družbi (Law in the Information Society), 12 June 2014 at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana.
The achievements of the CITPE’s research activities are presented to the general and professional public on conferences, seminars and other forms of education.
Professors and researchers who collaborate with CITPE share their knowledge to the general and professional public at conferences, seminars and other forms of education. They are also closely involved in the study process of the Faculty of Law at the University of Ljubljana. Students of the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana encounter diverse legal and ethical issues related to the use of information technology within the established framework of their studies.
A short overview of topics primarily includes the following areas:
- Constitutional law, e.g. by studying the constitutional aspects of the so-called fake news, hate speech, smart cities, artificial intelligence and privacy issues in the age of big data, and last but not least, by addressing so-called e-elections and other forms of e-democracy;
- Civil law, law of obligations, ways of expressing consent in a digitized environment (limits of implicit consent), sale of digital (non-physical) content, compliance with a contract, withdrawal from a contract, consequences of withdrawal (Directive 770/2019), consumer protection, sanctions, consequences of withdrawing consent to the processing of personal data (GDPR), contractual regulation of the exercise of personal and human rights (e.g. through the general terms and conditions of social networks, such as Facebook or Twitter, and the judicial review of these terms and conditions), transfer of membership in social networks and other electronic services in case of death (so-called digital legacy), individual consumer information (pre-contractual information duties) based on big data, legal issues related to platforms (eBay, Amazon Marketplace, UBER, Airbnb, etc.), particularly the potential responsibility of a platform (formally the intermediary) for the obligations of the contracting parties, unfair competition and user rating systems for platforms (regulation);
- Criminal law, which raises issues of liability in the event of automated and autonomous driving, the use of modern technologies in the investigation and detection of criminal offenses (e.g. encryption problems, remote investigations of electronic devices and various modalities of covert investigative measures), and last but not least automated risk assessments when deciding on restrictive measures (e.g. detention) and during the execution of criminal sanctions;
- International law, which addresses issues of the application of the general international law and the international law of armed conflict in cyberspace, application of (semi-)autonomous weapons systems from the point of view jus in bello and jus ad bellum, space law and international legal aspects of regulation of artificial intelligence, particularly from the point of view of human rights law and environmental protection, in particular artificial intelligence and human rights and artificial intelligence and environmental protection;
- prava socialne varnosti: posebej občutljivi osebni podatki;
- delovnega prava: delo prek spletnih platform;
- sociologije prava: algoritmi v sodstvu, lažne novice, uporaba metodologije prava in popularne kulture;
- upravnega prava: pravo varstva osebnih podatkov, evropsko upravno pravo in upravno procesno pravo, upravni vidiki migracij, elektronsko poslovanje uprave (e-uprava, e-davki), e-naročanje, e-revizija, prenos evropskih trendov modernizacije na nacionalno raven (angl. right to good administration)
- osebnostnega prava: razvoj tehnologije in posegi v osebnostne pravice.
Organised events
- Round table: “Od demokracije do algokracije” (From Democracy to Algocracy), 12 February 2020.
- Section: Kazensko pravo in avtomatizacija (Criminal Law and Automation), moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik, 1 Konferenca kazenskega prava in kriminologije (First Criminal Law and Criminology Conference), Portorož, Grand Hotel Bernardin, 3 and 4 December 2019.
- Jesenska šola: “Pravo pred izzivi digitalne (r)evolucije” (Law Facing Challenges of Digital (R)evolution), 25-27 September 2019.
- Round table: “Avtonomna vozila: informatika, ekonomija, pravo in zavarovanje” (Autonomous Vehicles: Information Technology, Economy, Law and Insurance), moderator: Prof. Dr. Peter Grilc; Dnevi civilnega in gospodarskega prava (Civil and Commercial Law Days), Portorož, GH Bernardin, 25 and 16 April 2019.
- Round table: Artificial Intelligence and Democracy: Round-table discussion “Protecting the Right to Free Elections in the Digital Era”, at the conference “Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Rights Legal challenges”, Academy of European Law, Brussels, 15-16 April 2019.
- Section: Avtomatizacija v kazenskem pravosodju (Automation in Criminal Justice), moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik, 1 Konferenca kazenskega prava in kriminologije (First Criminal Law and Criminology Conference), Portorož, Grand Hotel Bernardin, 4 and 5 December 2018.
- Round table: “Umetna inteligenca, avtonomna orožja in možnost prevzema oblasti” (Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Weapons and Potential Seizure of Power), moderator: Prof. Dr. Ciril Ribičič, Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, 10 October 2018.
- Section: “Internet in pravo” (Internet and the Law), moderator: Prof. Dr. Klemen Podobnik, XVI. Dnevi civilnega in gospodarskega prava (Civil and Commercial Law Days), Portorož, GH Bernardin, 19 and 20 April 2018.
- Round table: “Pametne pogodbe in verige podatkovnih blokov: prihodnost prava ali gradovi v oblakih?” (Smart Contracts and Blockchains: Future of Law or Wishful Thinking?) moderator: Prof. Dr. Peter Grilc, XVI. Dnevi civilnega in gospodarskega prava (Civil and Commercial Law Days), Portorož, GH Bernardin, 19 and 20 April 2018
- International scientific conference: “Biga Data: New Challenges for Law and Ethics”, 22-23 May 2017.
- Round table: “Civilnopravni vidiki računalništva v oblaku” (Civil Law Aspects of Cloud Computing), moderator: Prof. Dr. Peter Grilc, XV. Dnevi civilnega in gospodarskega prava (Civil and Commercial Law Days), Portorož, GH Bernardin, 13 and 14 April 2017.
- Section: Pravo, podatki in algoritmi (Law, Data and Algorithms), moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik, 9. Konferenca kazenskega prava in kriminologije (Ninth Criminal Law and Criminology Conference), Portorož, 6 and 7 December 2016.
- Conference Varstvo potrošnikov pri spletnem poslovanju (Consumer Protection in Online Transactions), 16 June 2016, Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana.
- Seminar Pravo v informacijski družbi (Law in the Information Society), 12 June 2014 at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana.
The centre and its staff provide consulting services related to legal and ethical issues in connection with information technologies. For this purpose, we conduct legal studies, analyses and legal opinions and business compliance tests; we help create regulatory frameworks by preparing relevant expert bases and analyses for our clients from the public and private sector, while the colleagues from the CITPE are part of different expert working groups at the national and international level.
- Compliance test
- Legal opinions and consulting
- Creating regulatory frameworks
- Cooperation in working groups at the national and international level
Membership in expert groups:
- Matija Damjan, Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence, Data Governance Working Group, OECD, 2020.
- Grega Strban, Member of ENCJ Digital Justice Forum, since 2018.
- Aleš Završnik, European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), Working Group on the Quality of Justice (CEPEJ-GT-QUAL), cooperation in the preparation of “European Ethical Charter on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Judicial Systems and their Environment”, 2018-2019.
- Aleš Završnik, European Committee on Crime Problems (CD-PC), working group “Artificial Intelligence and Criminal Law Responsibility in Council of Europe Member States – the Case of Automated Vehicles”, since 2019.
The centre and its staff provide consulting services related to legal and ethical issues in connection with information technologies. For this purpose, we conduct legal studies, analyses and legal opinions and business compliance tests; we help create regulatory frameworks by preparing relevant expert bases and analyses for our clients from the public and private sector, while the colleagues from the CITPE are part of different expert working groups at the national and international level.
- Compliance test
- Legal opinions and consulting
- Creating regulatory frameworks
- Cooperation in working groups at the national and international level
Membership in expert groups:
- Matija Damjan, Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence, Data Governance Working Group, OECD, 2020.
- Grega Strban, Member of ENCJ Digital Justice Forum, since 2018.
- Aleš Završnik, European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), Working Group on the Quality of Justice (CEPEJ-GT-QUAL), cooperation in the preparation of “European Ethical Charter on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Judicial Systems and their Environment”, 2018-2019.
- Aleš Završnik, European Committee on Crime Problems (CD-PC), working group “Artificial Intelligence and Criminal Law Responsibility in Council of Europe Member States – the Case of Automated Vehicles”, since 2019.